Vision presented in ‘What should culture life in Joensuu look like’ event 2.10.2018. The event was organized by Joensuu Left Alliance council group.
As someone who has lived for 10 years in Joensuu and in North Karelia, I have a vision for the next 10 years.
In 2028 the culture town reputation of Joensuu doesn’t any longer base on a couple of big events or some bands that were founded dozens of years ago, but to that art makers have good opportunities to work in Joensuu and to that art and culture belong to every citizen. For these reasons interesting things happen constantly in Joensuu and the rest of Finland and the world cannot leave it unnoticed!
Joensuu hasn’t made the mistake to think that art and culture are only for those who can afford it, those who are highly educated, those who are able and speak Finnish. In Joensuu art is for everyone. In 2028 the regional plan for cultural well-being has been executed for years already and according to that every citizen has a right to participate in art and culture activities for 120 minutes a week (in 2018 the most ambitious regional plan for cultural well-being was made in region Pirkanmaa and they reached only for 100 minutes at that time). In 2028 Joensuu the accessibility of culture has really been worked for and for example Kaikukortti card, Kulttuurikaveri service, audio descriptions and streaming art performances are everyday things for both the citizens and art organizations.
New audiences have been gained with long-term education. Early childhood education and elementary school play an important role in this. Also, it hasn’t been forgotten that a human is a constantly learning and growing creature. As an adult you can learn to be a gallery visitor, when retired you can start a stand-up career, in your new home town you can start playing music that was forbidden in your previous country. In Joensuu you can start an art hobby at any time. Vocational training, university of applied sciences and university respond to the growing need of creative methods in different fields by offering diverse education. The consumption habits alter from material to immaterial, and that is why art institutions as well as art courses and clubs engage participants and people are more willing to pay for art and culture that they were 10 years earlier.
The long-term working possibilities of the art and culture professionals are supported. The income of the professionals still vary from grants to teaching and from companies to the work ordered by town. A significant change in 2028 is, however, that the town and local companies offer more premises with reasonable prices, both to professionals and average citizens for their own initiatives. In 2018 hardly anyone believed that Joensuu could offer enough offices, training rooms, performing halls and spaces for spontaneous activity, but that's what happened anyway! The contracts of art teachers are not terminated during the summer period but the teachers can make their own art in the summer - as well as have a holiday. The town and the companies owned by the town purchase public art regularly, thus improving the coziness and value of different neighborhoods, while offering work opportunities to the artists.
In 2028 art workers and actives cooperate more with each other. The memory of the fact that less than 15 years earlier the idea of a shared performance calendar for local theaters didn't start because of there was a lack of interest among the theater makers themselves, only makes us laugh with confusion.
And we do have reason to celebrate in 2028: not only the city orchestra celebrates at least its 50 years but also NÄYTTÄMÖ space, Rajaton taide festival and Visual Festival each has their 10th birthday!
In 2018 Joensuu was in need of a year-round tourist attraction to balance the individual events. Some suggested that the solution would be for example - a spa. Well, maybe Joensuu has a spa in 2028 but there is also something else. Is it miles-long series of murals? A walking center with colourful rugs all over the streets? A statue garden with light art? Art quarters where you can stop in different boutiques to shop personal dance performances, sound art, poem portraits?
I hope we will let our current artists and artists-to-be, as well as other citizens, present more ideas and make them real.
In Joensuu like this I would still live after 10 years.
Maria Korkatti
Member of culture and leisure time committee of town Joensuu (representing Left Alliance, independent)
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